I love Fall vacations

Every fall the leaves begin to turn beautiful shades of vibrant orange, brilliant red, and golden-yellow.  The air becomes crisp and the smell of apples, pumpkins, spice scented candles, and bon fires bring me a sense of peace.  Staring into the fire with nothing on my mind but rest and the yummy goodness of graham cracker, dark chocolate, and oozy gooey marshmallow smores.  Fall is my favorite time of year to vacation.  We try to go to the mountains each year to see the beautiful color combinations that God created for us in nature.  The colors are so vivid with deep burgundy, rusty oranges, dark brown yellows, and deep greens turning to neon green in the bright sunlight.  If you are going to decorate this time of year there is no better place to get inspiration than taking a long leisurely walk in the woods.  The burning bushes line the streets of North Carolina and they are so brilliant with the fuchsia red pink, they truly do look like the are on fire and luminescent.  Absolutely breath-taking vista’s of mountain views, babbling brooks, rock climbing and water falls.  We took a nice detour to do some zip lining in the woods at Hawksnest resort.  They were fantastic.  Their customer service was wonderful and it was a screaming at the top of my lungs fun……I hope that you will be able to take some time off this fall and truly look around at the beautiful splendor with nature.  My husband Chris,  my daughter Brandi, Lucy our very loved mini schnauzer and myself Deborah wish you peaceful bon fire nights, and clean crisp mountain air to keep you grounded with a sense of peace if only for a weekend.

Furniture placement and Consult up date

Previous post:

I love to shop and this returning client called at just the right moment.  I traveled to see her new home and helped place the furniture in just the right spots.  Christina is a major do it yourself girl and just needed a hint of help.  We shopped for accessories and drapes placed them in just the right spot, painted a few select pieces to make them match and viola’ major living spaces complete.  Now when her Mom comes to visit all they have to do is concentrate on landscaping.  Love my do it yourself clients that just need another eye…..Bravo Christina, love ya girl 

Unfortunately I can not up load a photo for you to look at because they are all in bitmap instead of JPEG…..I’m working on it. 

Christina sent the photo’s and I wanted to share them with you.  It looks fantastic Christina.  Let me know when you are ready for the paint colors.  Deborah

U & I Party Decorating for a fun time of year

 It is that beautiful time of year when the air gets crisp and the leaves start to get those beautiful fall colors.  Harvest Moon Festival, Harvest time, or Halloween whichever one you choose to celebrate U & I can help with your decorating.  We have experience in festive decorating for Commercial retailers with your merchandise, Home Decorating for parties, Outside festivals, and Costumes. 

My husband and I went as Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’Hara of Gone with the Wind, Carol Burnett style last year, photo #1.  My costume is featured in the 2010 Falling in Love with Ghent Magazine, for the Masquerade in Ghent advertisement.  All the pieces are Thrift Store purchases sewn together, glued together, spray painted, or embellished to create Carol Burnett’s Costume and Harvey’s (My husband Chris) as Rhett….We had a fabulous time and I’m looking forward to this years good time at Ghent as well as our Neighborhood Halloween party.  You will see those posts, as the days get closer.  

 Photo #2 House decorating for parties is great fun…..let us know if we can help.  You can sit back and enjoy the party that we set up for you with your entire décor or décor we purchased on your budget plan.  Photo #3 Décor for the outdoor festivals made easy with our help.  We will shop for the freshest flowers and pumpkins…perhaps bales of straw for the hayride display at your Church for all the kids is what you need.  

Photo #4 and #5 Commercial properties set up with their merchandise in a fun Haunted forest for consumers to browse through and pick out their Halloween decorations for their fun time adventures this year.  What ever your needs we can help.  Get your party scheduled in early the dates are getting closer, and the schedule is getting full.  

We are here to help give us a call U & I Home Decorating and Staging

Deborah Lutz 757-639-5796. 








Consultation for furniture placement and accessories

I love to shop and this returning client called at just the right moment.  I traveled to see her new home and helped place the furniture in just the right spots.  Christina is a major do it yourself girl and just needed a hint of help.  We shopped for accessories and drapes placed them in just the right spot, painted a few select pieces to make them match and viola’ major living spaces complete.  Now when her Mom comes to visit all they have to do is concentrate on landscaping.  Love my do it yourself clients that just need another eye…..Bravo Christina, love ya girl 

Unfortunately I can not up load a photo for you to look at because they are all in bitmap instead of JPEG…..I’m working on it.  Deborah

Fantastic product

Check out this product.  It can change the way we remodel kitchens and baths.  Instead of tearing out that hot pink tile in the bathroom now you can refinish it with this product.  No longer do you have to wish for a granite counter top, you can apply this product directly over your old counter top and within 72 hours your countertop or tiles will feel and look like stone.  Now that’s impressive!


Vacant staging

Finished up a vacant staging this week with a fantastic duo homeowner team choosing the do it yourself package, on an extremely limited budget, and creative help from U & I Home Decorating and Staging owner ME.  The whole house was freshly painted Navajo white before the consultation with U & I.  With no chance of adding color with paint, we need to get creative with vignettes and colored accessories. We want to create impact for the potential buyer to visualize what each room can be used for as well as help them see what you can do about architectural details that aren’t so useful anymore.  The large hole was once considered a grand idea in the 90’s but now with todays thin technology, that can be hung directly to the wall this huge hole needs new purpose.  Through creative staging we can show the potential buyer what they can do with this feature.  The fantastic duo team have their homework lists, my truck is packed full of vignette ideas and I am confident we have what we need.  Attached a before photo of the main space and the elephant in the room known as large size hole above the fireplace.  After shots with some inexpensive thrift store finds a canvas 48 x 48.  I covered it with some funky bright-colored fabric and viola the elephant in the room is disguised.  I used the homeowners items to create a reading area in front of the fireplace that you can visually see now that the elephant is no longer charging.  The rest of the house was simply staged with articles from the homeowners and a few colorful leased items from U & I.  The clients were putting in long work weeks and were a bit overwhelmed with their honey do list I had given them and the listing agent Christine Ornoff from Prudential Towne Realty in Chesapeake Virginia came by the house with her handy-dandy bucket full of cleaning goodies and went to town (amazing)….with a few hours of scrubbing, shining, and vacuuming the property is Sittin’ pretty and ready for open house.

Curb appeal is everything

Curb appeal is everything when a potential buyer pulls in front of your home.  If it is not a pleasant scene to their eye, they may not even bother looking inside.  I’m proud to say that this property was one of my first jobs years ago, and my clients satisfaction is still one of my highest priorities in my work.  It was a 3 to 4 day journey digging up old azalea bushes and relocating to another area in the yard.  The prepping alone was one of the hardest manual laboring jobs I have done in the 11 years that I have been in business.  It taught me endurance and persistence to continue doing what I love because it will never seem like work…well…this one did but I still loved it.   The root systems on some of those plants went to China I believe, we did our best and they all survived our transplant.  The soil was so compact (Virginia Clay) that I had to run a hose for a couple of hours just to soften it, then it was a muddy, extremely heavy mess.  I can still hear the suction between the shovel and earth.  I think we had to throw our boots away after that job.  My friend Kristen (my blessed laborer for a few days) and I worked up a sweat but we finished it with new shrubbery, flowers, a ton of lirope and of course the icing on the cake beautiful fresh brown mulch…many yards of it.  I have since then started to hire help with major jobs such as these to help preserve my 52-year-old back.  Leaving me with the lovely part of curb appeal, which is consulting with clients about the plan, purchasing of the materials, and overseeing the project for completion.  Part of the benefits of being the boss is I get to choose which part I want to do and hire for the rest.  Years after the job has been finished the owners have continued with the care and maintenance of the shrubbery and flower garden.  I saw them at an event and they told me that the Yaupon Holly I planted on the corner of the house has gotten as tall as the house and it gets rave reviews from the neighbors each fall when the berries turn their beautiful bright orange.  They gave me permission to go by and take a snap shot because their yard won “Yard of the Month” and proudly displays the sign in the front.  It makes me proud to know my clients are still happy with my companies work after all these years and that our hard work gets prolonged gratification.  Many thanks to my dear friend Kristen who stuck by me on those hot, hard-working days in the beginning stages of starting my company.  Another job well done from the very beginning stages of the U & I Home Decorating and Staging Team formally known as Creations by Deborah and my wonderful friend Kristen.

Master Feng Shui Consultant Kathryn Weber discusses Feng Shui and Clutter

Feng Shui and Clutter
How An Overstuffed Home Robs You of Vitality,
Opportunities and Money — and What to Do About It

Today, many of us share one common problem: too much stuff in our homes. And, if you’re willing to invest just a couple of weeks – or weekends — you can get a grip on clutter and start feeling more in control over all the stuff in your house. Better still, you won’t have to live in a disorganized, cluttered home that frustrates and annoys you.

Having an uncluttered, organized home will repay you in time and money — and will return your peace of mind — and in just a few short weeks. Besides being a serious re-charge to your life and vitality, decluttering is good feng shui.

Everything you are surrounded by exerts an influence on your life.

If you’re surrounded by clutter and disorganization, it’s a serious energetic drain on your mind, your emotions and your physical body. Too much stuff quickly turns a home “yin” and that makes energy turn negative. Once that happens, the circumstances of life start changing, too. You could say that clutter becomes the sticks and mortar that dam your life and stop the opportunities that flow to you. It’s time to clean up that “dam” mess!

Let’s get started with the basics.

What is clutter?
Clutter is anything that you don’t regularly use, things that you don’t like or enjoy or that are broken, or items kept out of guilt and obligation. Clutter includes items like old clothing, unused toys, mismatched dishes, or stacks of magazines. One of the worst sources of clutter is paper. Newspapers, mail, magazines, old greeting cards, and various paper items all clutter up our coffee tables, desks, and refrigerator.

What clutter isn’t
Clutter isn’t anything you truly love or use regularly. Clutter also isn’t a valuable collectible. Some things shouldn’t go in a landfill or in a garage sale. Your grandmother’s Fostoria crystal isn’t junk and shouldn’t be treated that way.

Ebay, local antiques or consignment stores are resources to help sell your collectible items. One woman made $15,000 off her clutter. Every week, she sat at her computer with five to 10 items she wanted to sell and in six months, she had made an extra $15,000 by selling her clutter on Ebay. Too much trouble to sell? Give special items away as gifts to someone who’ll appreciate them.

Clutter sources
There are a number of reasons for our over-accumulation. One is that we’ve moved from a disposable society to everything’s-a-collectible society and if everything is valuable, then you can’t throw anything away then, can you? We’ve also moved from a buy-it-as-you-need-it outlook to a buy-it-in-bulk mindset – and if we buy in bulk, we have to live in bulk.

Lastly, recreational shopping creates an overload of unused, unwanted household items. Hitting the mall every weekend just packs your house and empties your wallet.

Staying present. The difficulty with clutter is both past and future.

Too often people are tied to items because of the past (it was a wedding gift, it was Uncle Frank’s) and the future (what if I need a shoe buttoner again?). Yet clutter causes you problems in the present because you can’t find what you’re looking for or you have things you don’t really need or want. Other problems from the past include items we’ve inherited.

Many people feel like they have to keep everything passed down from their loved ones. It’s a tremendous burden of guilt. Remember that things are not people and it’s okay to let things go. To feel like you have to hold on to the possessions of your loved ones who are no longer around is to have to build your own life and hang on to their lives, too. It makes for a crowded house. Keep just a few items that you especially love or that you’ll use on a regular basis. My favorite item from my grandmother? Her cast iron skillet that stays on my stove to this day and gets almost daily use.

Go ahead, be wasteful
Have you ever heard the Depression era stories about being so poor that coffee grounds were dried in the sun and re-used? Well, it’s not the Depression anymore. It’s okay to throw things away. You have my permission and encouragement to get rid of stuff. There will be enough and you can always get more if you need it.

People hang on to so many things because they don’t want to be wasteful; like holding on to a shirt with a stain that won’t come out. The stain won’t come out the longer it hangs there, so why reach for it and then put it back on the rack? Throw it away once and for all.

Your role: The first step to getting control over clutter is recognizing your role in creating it.

Do you overshop? Do you keep things out of guilt (it’s Aunt Mary’s!)? Do you have to buy in bulk? Are you afraid to throw things away? Taking a hard look at how and why your house has gotten cluttered helps you get it under control and from becoming cluttered in the future. So recycle when you can, and throw away, donate, or sell the rest — and at every opportunity.

The physical symptoms of clutter
Clutter stops the flow of energy. When energy stops flowing, there is a negative impact to our bodies, spirits, and energetic life flow in the form of money, opportunities, love, and enjoyment. Clutter manifests as excess weight, constipation, inability to think, feeling stuck in life, low vitality, and poor personal growth and movement.


Your goals for decluttering this week:

Analyze your role in creating clutter. This week, try to make a change to your habits like going shopping during lunch or letting junk mail stack up instead of throwing it out. Try to change one habit each week.

Set up an Ebay account. It’s incredibly easy to do and fast. Then gather up five items you’d like to sell, photograph them and upload them. Wait for the “Your item sold” email and then ship it as quickly as possible. There are a few essentials for selling successfully: great descriptions, good photos, reasonable price, and fast shipping. Do those and you’ll be an Ebay pro in no time.

Tackle the kitchen desk or junk drawer. Buy an organizer and mercilessly pare down everything but what you frequently use. Aim to reduce the amount of stuff by at least 50%.


© K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2010
Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook “Easy Money – 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui” visit www.redlotusletter.com and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

Finally Designers and Decorators are open to Television viewing

I don’t know about you but I am a TV lover….I love kicking back and watching my favorite DVR’ed programs in a comfy setting.  HGTVPRO has some fantastic photographs of how Designers and Decorators are finally listening to their clients and giving them a stylish and comfortable TV viewing area.  Time and time again I have read NO TV….but isn’t that what most of us do now….times are tough and we stay home.  We watch movies at home, DVR our favorite programs, watch the food network and cook up something yummy.  Come on we need TV’s….at least I do anyway.  Hope you enjoy the HGTVPro link.  Deborah


We would buy it but the décor is wierd

One of my friends on Facebook Alice T. Chan posted this article and it brought back memories for me.  I wanted to share it with you.  I remember when my husband and I were shopping for our condominium and all the places that we saw.  We could not believe that people did not pick up their clothes off the floors.  Dishes in the sinks, a ring around the tub, and smoking in every room, even dirty ashtrays they are all HUGE turn offs.  Green slimy pools, funky stuff on the carpets…beds in the living room, I mean come on people.  You are trying to sell your house…. hire a cleaning company if you do not want to clean and for pity sake STOP SMOKING IN THE HOUSE…I know it is your house but you are trying to get someone else to buy it.  If you must smoke pick a spot outside away from the entrances and exits of your home…the garage is not a good place either.  People will go into the garage smell the musty odor, and wonder if you have a leak or question that something died behind all the clutter.  When you smoke in a home, there will be no getting around painting from ceiling to floor in every room and all the fabrics and upholstery cleaned before it will ever be pleasant to the nose of a potential buyer.  I have walked into places that have been painted and cleaned but the lingering odor of smokers does not fade.  It is a very difficult thing to disguise.  You can smell that there is a smoker in the house before you enter into the house.  That is how strong the odor of cigarettes travels and lingers.  You may not have the furniture from a magazine but your home can stand out from the rest if it is squeaky clean, fresh and airy to all five senses, and NO CLUTTER.  I know that you have collected those precious items for years, but they are your treasures and should be packed ever so carefully and taken to storage for your new home.  A good home stager can help you determine what stays and what should be packed away for your viewing pleasure at your new home.  Give me a call for help and guidance.  I am eager to couch you and make the hard decision choices easier on you.  Look at this article from Julie Glassberg of the NY Times.  It is a great read and very informative for those of you with a house on the market and not selling.  Deborah
