Every fall the leaves begin to turn beautiful shades of vibrant orange, brilliant red, and golden-yellow. The air becomes crisp and the smell of apples, pumpkins, spice scented candles, and bon fires bring me a sense of peace. Staring into the fire with nothing on my mind but rest and the yummy goodness of graham cracker, dark chocolate, and oozy gooey marshmallow smores. Fall is my favorite time of year to vacation. We try to go to the mountains each year to see the beautiful color combinations that God created for us in nature. The colors are so vivid with deep burgundy, rusty oranges, dark brown yellows, and deep greens turning to neon green in the bright sunlight. If you are going to decorate this time of year there is no better place to get inspiration than taking a long leisurely walk in the woods. The burning bushes line the streets of North Carolina and they are so brilliant with the fuchsia red pink, they truly do look like the are on fire and luminescent. Absolutely breath-taking vista’s of mountain views, babbling brooks, rock climbing and water falls. We took a nice detour to do some zip lining in the woods at Hawksnest resort. They were fantastic. Their customer service was wonderful and it was a screaming at the top of my lungs fun……I hope that you will be able to take some time off this fall and truly look around at the beautiful splendor with nature. My husband Chris, my daughter Brandi, Lucy our very loved mini schnauzer and myself Deborah wish you peaceful bon fire nights, and clean crisp mountain air to keep you grounded with a sense of peace if only for a weekend.