It is almost Christmas and while most folks are getting ready for family and friends, some of you out there are starting the plan of putting your house up for sale in the spring.
So many steps to include: fixing and repairs, painting, organizing, packing, setting things out that will be left for the Stagers and last but not least… a matter a fact a very important part of staging your house is the OUTSIDE CURB APPEAL…..
Curb appeal to those that are confused by what it means and why you need it: It is a very important part of staging that will bring attention to your house and help bring potential buyers into your house to view as their next home. It’s an important step to organizing, cleaning, trimming, mulching and fixing shutters, painting…etc. Making your entrance an invitation to come on in and look around.
I ran across this breakdown of curb appeal from
It is an interesting blog post explaining the steps to curb appeal and what it really means. I hope you find it as useful as I do with my clients.
Merry Christmas and please take time to breath and enjoy the season. Once Jan. 1st comes along, get busy on organizing and getting that house ready for the new buyer!
Happy to answer any questions you may have, drop me a line.
Deborah Lutz, Interior Designer, Landscape Design, Stager

Curb appeal

My clients work hard to keep their design looking grand…Yard of the month!

after photo