Hand Painted Custom Art work by U & I Home Decorating and Staging

Loving what I do for clients:

I have had the pleasure of doing faux finishes and mural work for clients in the past but recently have taken up using canvas.  I created a very large piece for a staging job by covering it with graphic material and viola instant color and impact.  

You can keep the cost down for these large pieces simply by using my motto I use for my company “Rethink, Reuse, Refresh”.  I shop in consignment shops, second hand boutiques, and local thrift stores.  You can find some interesting pieces from the 70’s and 80’s just waiting for a new look at a very reasonable price.  Perhaps you have an out of date painting that can be refreshed for the low cost of fabric.

You can purchase graphic pieces of fabric to fit your color scheme or if you are artistic, you can prime it and paint whatever you wish….or hire me of course to do it for you if you are not a DIY kind of gal or guy.  I would be happy to lend my talents to grace the walls of your home.

I completed a custom art piece for a client and delivered it to her yesterday.  We were having a problem finding a piece that was large enough to fit the hole above the fireplace (a blast from the past trend I keep running into, the 90’s theme in home building). When we found a piece she loved, it was either too small, too big, or too expensive. 

U & I Solution:  My husband and I made a frame to fit the specific size she needed, I wrapped a gently used canvas piece, cut and stretched it to fit, primed, and painted it for her.  I used all the colors in her décor and in the style that she was attracted too.  A gift for the artist in me came after my husband installed it.  My client walked into her living room and smiled from ear to ear and stated how beautiful it was……That is what we decorating artist live to hear.

I woke up this morning with my coffee and a lovely e-mail from her that I will share with you. 


Thank you so much for all your help.  I don’t have words to express my gratitude to you and your husband.  You are helping to make my house feel like “home”.

Thank you again,


 Confirmation to why I feel blessed to do what I love.  Grand way to start the year.

 Deborah Lutz, Owner

U & I Home Decorating and Staging


2 thoughts on “Hand Painted Custom Art work by U & I Home Decorating and Staging

  1. Kimberly Keon says:

    Deborah, you amaze me! Your talent and creativity is truly a gift.
    I experience your gifts first hand as a neighbor of your own home interior design and landscaping. You are awesome!!!

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