Landscape Design on the Lafayette River

U & I has completed an exterior design for a returning client.  I can’t think of anything this designer loves more than a returning client and referrals.  We had a long hard job ahead of us but with lots of planning, researching, sub contractors, and ingenuity the job is almost complete with a few minor details to be worked out.  Of course, with all designs things flux and change once the job begins and quick decisions and solutions can be brought together to please the client.  I am happy to say the clients are thrilled with their new view of the Lafayette.

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East Ocean View Community Garden Project

U & I Home Decorating and Staging owner Deborah Lutz had the honor of helping out and adopting a vegetable and flower box in the Community gardens built by Bon Secours, Operation Blessing, Home Depot, and community neighbors. We all take care of and tend to the garden as a community. It has been a wonderful experience to be a part of giving back. Read about the amazing garden and it’s progress in the two links below. One is a quarterly magazine by Bon Secour and the other is our Sunday compass here in Norfolk, VA.
I can not get the link to the news article for you to easily read.  You must be a subscriber to the Virginia Pilot to view article in today’s Norfolk compass July 31, 2011.

New Condo construction project complete

My client purchase her new condo and needed help selecting flooring, lighting, color palette as well as full service decorating.  Her main objective was to marrying her love of antiques with a fresh new look.  Take a look at some before and after photo’s on my face book page for U & I Home Decorating and Staging.

Not sure why the link is not working but if you copy and paste it to your browser it will take you to my photo’s.  I was able to add the link to the reply section and it takes you to the photo’s if you click that link.


Sea Cloud Beach House ready for rent

U & I had the pleasure of decorating an entire 3 story beach house in the Outer Banks area, Southern Shores North Carolina.  We were blessed with two of the sweetest clients I have ever come across. 

The home is located just minutes from Duck, Corolla, Kitty Hawk, Nags Head.  Manteo and Hatteras are a short drive.   Her name is The Sea Cloud…..You can walk to the beach front via a path in the back beside the beautiful pool and hot tub or a quick drive around the block for a beautiful stay in the OBX. 

This house has it all…..7 bedrooms, 8 full baths 2 1/2 baths, elevator, media room, game room, billiard room, full kitchen, kitchenette, and wet bar.  U & I created a Nautical casual elegance with a Cape Cod lighthouse and Ship theme…Nautical Deep Navy blues, Rich Reds, and Classic Taupe flow through each room with details in accessories and accent walls.  The Client has listed the home with Twiddy Realty in Duck North Carolina.  You can have a sneak preview of the property via their link.  Enjoy the slide show or click on each photo to enlarge for detail.  All amenities in this gem… won’t want for a thing….Beautiful sunrise over the ocean view on the upper decks and sunsets on the front decks….games galore for the whole family to enjoy….electronics will have you thinking you’re in a real movie theater in the media room.  TV’s in every room for quite movie watching or catching up on the news time alone.  Beachy landscape and rock have been added to the landscaping which are not shown in the house photo as of yet.  The pool photo will be up dated as well with the new hot tub and beach loungers in red and blue.  More photo’s coming next week.

I would like to give a special thank you too Daniels Homeport Toni Shallop for her fantastic customer service.  I recommend her assistance to anyone that goes into this store.  As well as thanking my two very good friends Natasha Clarke and Kristen Doughtery for lending a hand.  My wonderful carpenter/handyman husband Chris…..your support is everything to me.  The fabulous sub teams of OBX….I could not have accomplished this beautiful makeover with you.

Let us know what you think of our make over in the OBX……….

Deborah and her Team at U & I worked very hard on this intense Top to Bottom seasonal rental project but the reward came when the clients walked through the home at the reveal with eyes wide and full of appreciation.  Another satisfied client at U & I.

U & I Home Decorating and Staging has branched out to Maritime design

I have been commissioned to do a faux bois finish on the Yacht Elegante.  It was based out of Naples, Florida and will be changing her home port status.  My job is to cover up the sanded off Naples with a matching faux bois to the rest of the wood grain then the new home port can be gold leafed over the faux bois add some fresh varnish and…..Whoop Whoop….gotta get my boat shoes on….here is a link to her site….she is a beauty

…take a look at the inside on her website…D

10 Mirror Do’s and Dont’s

I have a friend who became a client for a Feng Shui makeover she does fabulous art pieces using broken mirrors.  They are adorable and very creative but the broken mirror is not good Feng Shui.  While doing her walk through explaining her feng shui chart for her home I requested she remove the art that had the broken mirror pieces.  Explaining the negative undertone of broken mirror edges.  She reluctantly complied because of the strong attachment to the art…my suggestion is to replace the broken mirror with another medium.  She can still keep the art and it will have better energy for her home.  Below I have attached an article from Master Feng Shui consultant Katie Weber which reiterates my suggestion to my client.

 Reflections on Feng Shui — 10 Mirror Do’s and Don’ts

 Few feng shui activators and cures hold as much interest as the common mirror. Mirrors are a terrific decorating resource and have the potential to inspire more prosperity — even double beautiful views and invite the accompanying chi that goes with them. Yet, using mirrors in feng shui is often misunderstood.

How does one use mirrors effectively? Are there rules for using mirrors in feng shui? If you have had questions about using mirrors correctly, the following should help you understand when, where and where not to use them.

MIRROR DO’S 1. DO reflect beautiful views. If your living room or dining room has a beautiful view of trees, blue skies, a garden or anything especially beautiful, a mirror is the perfect accessory. By positioning opposite the view, you can double the beauty.

2. DO reflect dining and living areas. Dining rooms are the perfect location for mirrors. Because the dining represents a family’s wealth, this in effect, magnifies this energy. Living rooms where families hold parties and gatherings are also good locations to hang a mirror and can double the number of people in the room for a more festive chi!

 3. Do use mirrors to hide problems. Although not often thought of as a disguise, mirrors can make problems areas, like square pillars, “disappear.” Many homes have pillars, such as in basements, or in offices that stand in the middle of the room. By mirroring all four sides, the pillar essentially disappears.

 4. DO use mirrors to double your cash. Placing a mirror to reflect a cash register, your jewelry, or close to the front door of a shop will pull more money chi, customers and prosperity to you.

 5. DO place mirrors where they can open up space. If you have a really small room or a long hallway, this is the perfect spot to hang a mirror. Lean a mirror against a wall to visually open up the room. Place a mirror along the wall of a hallway to slow down chi and add some interest. MIRROR DONT’S

6. DON’T place a mirror opposite a front door. This pushes the energy right back out the door. Time and time again I see businesses that go out of business and they have a mirror opposite the front door. If you want a mirror to open up your foyer, adding a mirror is a great idea. Just don’t put it opposite the front door.

7. DON’T reflect negative views. Make sure mirrors aren’t placed where they’ll reflect a toilet door, a fireplace (above a fireplace is fine), a stove top, or messy areas. When you can see an ugly view in a mirror, this magnifies the energy. This is especially true of fire. A little fire keeps you warm; a lot of fire can quickly become excessive energy.

 8. DON’T place a mirror where it will harm or send cutting energy. This is true of placing a mirror at the end of the hallway, which symbolically says “stay away” and draws negative energy. A mirror placed at the bottom of the stairs will cut off the feet or head; avoid placing here.

9. DON’T place a mirror in the bedroom where it can be over-stimulating. A mirror in the bedroom can create insomnia, especially if it reflects the bed. If there is a problem in the marriage, a mirror can also bring in unwanted interference in the relationship. Better to be safe (and well-rested) than sorry. If you just have to have a mirror in the bedroom, make sure it doesn’t reflect the bed.

10. DON’T use broken or pakua mirrors. Pakua mirrors are often hung with little regard, yet they send out the full force of chi toward that which they reflect. It amounts to sending a really nasty look toward your neighbor. Is it any wonder these cause problems with relationships with others?

These mirrors contain trigrams that are negative and are harmful to whoever they point toward and to the house where they hang. Avoid them. Cracked mirrors are also very negative energy as are small mirror tiles or anything that distorts or breaks up an image. Remove them.

Courtesy publishing rights given to me by Kathryn Weber, Master Feng Shui Consultant her information is listed below.

 © K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2011 Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook “Easy Money – 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui” visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

Custom art work with your colors at a resonable price

Completion of art work; mixed medium on canvas Walking Bridge of Chattanooga and Series (3) Morning Mist for Dr. Patterson’s Dental office in Chattanooga Tennessee has arrived.  Delivery is set with a little RR for the artist which is way over due.   If you would like custom abstract art for your home please contact Deborah at  She will use your color palette and create a custom piece just for you. Deborah’s art work is gracing clients walls all over Hampton Roads and can also be shipped outside of Hampton Roads.  Her friends have expressed their favorite, which one is yours? U & I

Adding Romance

Sometimes it is just to much pressure to make sure everything is perfect, in it’s place, clean, and smellin pretty…..Especially on Valentines Day the pressure is even tougher.  I feel the most romantic place is your home…forget about going out to dinner.  Stay in and cook together.  Make something neither one of you have had before.  Think exotic and spicey if that’s the way you like your food, or something down home, comfort foods like homemade mac and cheese.  What ever your preference everyone likes to do it with your best friend.  My best friend happens to be my husband and that is what we are doing tonight….staying away from the rat race and being together in our kitchen with a lovely beverage and great night of slice’n and dice’n in the kitchen together.  I hope that you have a lovely evening with whom ever you choose for a best friend for a night filled with laughter and love.

U & I (Deborah)

Hand Painted Custom Art work by U & I Home Decorating and Staging

Loving what I do for clients:

I have had the pleasure of doing faux finishes and mural work for clients in the past but recently have taken up using canvas.  I created a very large piece for a staging job by covering it with graphic material and viola instant color and impact.  

You can keep the cost down for these large pieces simply by using my motto I use for my company “Rethink, Reuse, Refresh”.  I shop in consignment shops, second hand boutiques, and local thrift stores.  You can find some interesting pieces from the 70’s and 80’s just waiting for a new look at a very reasonable price.  Perhaps you have an out of date painting that can be refreshed for the low cost of fabric.

You can purchase graphic pieces of fabric to fit your color scheme or if you are artistic, you can prime it and paint whatever you wish….or hire me of course to do it for you if you are not a DIY kind of gal or guy.  I would be happy to lend my talents to grace the walls of your home.

I completed a custom art piece for a client and delivered it to her yesterday.  We were having a problem finding a piece that was large enough to fit the hole above the fireplace (a blast from the past trend I keep running into, the 90’s theme in home building). When we found a piece she loved, it was either too small, too big, or too expensive. 

U & I Solution:  My husband and I made a frame to fit the specific size she needed, I wrapped a gently used canvas piece, cut and stretched it to fit, primed, and painted it for her.  I used all the colors in her décor and in the style that she was attracted too.  A gift for the artist in me came after my husband installed it.  My client walked into her living room and smiled from ear to ear and stated how beautiful it was……That is what we decorating artist live to hear.

I woke up this morning with my coffee and a lovely e-mail from her that I will share with you. 


Thank you so much for all your help.  I don’t have words to express my gratitude to you and your husband.  You are helping to make my house feel like “home”.

Thank you again,


 Confirmation to why I feel blessed to do what I love.  Grand way to start the year.

 Deborah Lutz, Owner

U & I Home Decorating and Staging


Christmas decorating and staging

Christmas staging and decorating is so easy with today’s trends on colors from pink and purple to traditional.  Everyone’s taste is different and while walking through the stores you can see how the marketing departments have really stepped up to the challenge.  You can be creative with staging and true to the home in decorating which ever one you choose.  When doing it for someone else’s home you will use what they love but when staging you can appeal to everyone.   I am truly one of the blessed working individuals that is able to do what I love and it never feels like work.  Attached are a few photo’s of this years Christmas bling.

Thank you very much for allowing me into your home and supporting my blog by reading and subscribing to U & I Home Decorating and Staging’s.

Merry Christmas everyone.  It has been a pleasure decorating and staging with you this year.  See you next year.

U & I Home Decorating and Staging

Deborah Lutz